Women in Construction

Women in Construction

The Current Statistics Women make up 47% of all employed workers in the United States. When you think of an industry dominated by men, construction might be at the top of the list. Of all the people employed in construction, women comprise only 10.9% according to...
Rainwater Harvesting in California

Rainwater Harvesting in California

As a California resident, you’re more than familiar with droughts and water shortages. Maybe you’ve thought about installing a rainwater collection system to maintain your vegetable garden or even considered capturing water for indoor uses such as toilets and washing...
Jobs Best Left to Your Plumber

Jobs Best Left to Your Plumber

Plumbers typically do what is necessary to ensure that water coming into your house goes where it is supposed to go at the required pressure and that wastewater and sewage leave your home and are disposed of effectively. There are parts of the water system in many...
Water Softener Systems

Water Softener Systems

Home water softeners come in a wide variety of sizes, systems, and prices. A basic comparison of systems can help narrow down your choices to determine the best installation for your home. Salt-based Softeners Also called ion-exchange systems, salt-based softeners are...
What is a Water Softener and Do I Need One?

What is a Water Softener and Do I Need One?

You may have been told your home has hard water and that you’d benefit from a water softener. What exactly is a water softener? What does it do? How do you know if you need one? Is a water softener the same as a water filter? Here’s what you need to know. Hard Water...
SoCal Plumbers